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Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the l
life. Those who believe in me, even though they die,
will live, and everyone who lives and believes in
me will never die. Do you believe this?"
~John 11:25

It’s Spring again, and welcome another Easter. Our congregation has responded to Jesus’ resurrection with an astounding 44 voting members unanimously agreeing to adopt both our new Welcome Statement and Reconciling in Christ Status! Thank you to our RIC Team, especially Betsy Liljeberg and Janet Gomez, for all of your hard work and dedication. This marks a new beginning for us as a community, and I look forward to taking this adventure with you all this season. Speaking of seasons, our Council has approved the Seasons of Stewardship “Three Month Model”. Every Team (e.g., Administration, Worship, etc.) will have three months to share, express, and advocate for their contributions to Apostles Lutheran before ending the cycle with a celebration. We will begin this June with our Summer Team, Administration, which is the season of growing.
We have learned plenty of new tools that have kept God’s Mission going in the Peninsulas. The Synod Office is working diligently to determine how we might safely and effectively approach in-person activities including but not limited to, worship and service. Our Safety in Worship Team will meet a week or so after Holy Week to discuss our options. Everyone is privy to their comfort level concerning gatherings during this Pandemic. Take heart and be of good courage; we will find navigate these stranger tides together.

In God’s Abiding Love,
The Reverend Jeniffer Tillman,
Mission Developer

Espice, adspice, prospice.
Look behind, look here, look ahead.
— Latin phrase