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Does someone in your family have a special birthday coming up? Is your parents’ anniversary date in the near future? Is there someone special you would like to honor or remember? Apostles Lutheran would be happy to help you share a message honoring or remembering someone special through bulletin sponsorship. Much like altar flower sponsors, bulletin sponsors are able to pick the week they would like to sponsor the bulletins, and on that Sunday we will share your special date and commemoration with the congregation as a bulletin note. Typically, the note would read something like: “This week’s bulletin is sponsored by Mary Doe in memory of her mother Jane’s birthday on November 1.” Or, “ Joe and Sally Brown sponsor this week’s bulletin to celebrate the graduation of their son Tom.” This sponsorship is a way to celebrate/honor/remember the special people in our lives and dates which we hold important. As the congregation’s cost for printing full worship service bulletins increases, this also will help Apostles to continue to make available the entire liturgy for each Sunday self-contained in the bulletin. If you would like to sponsor an upcoming bulletin, please look for the signup sheet in the narthex near the entrance. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Pastor Jay.