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As I write this we are just ending our Lenten journey and our preparation for the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ! During Lent we embarked on our “Cross Bound” journey and were able to participate in mid-week services that provided unique and interesting experiences relating to the cross, including an interactive experience of what the journey Christ took with the cross must have felt like and how that feels to us today! We also heard perspectives from both Pete and Janet on what the cross means to them, and insightful perspectives from Pastor Jay! All intended to make each of us think and ponder on what the cross means to each of us! We also embarked on a stewardship campaign targeting what our financial given allows our church to accomplish throughout the year with our generosity! We were reminded that our gifts enable our youth to participate in synod sponsored events and to broaden their knowledge and understand of our Lutheran faith. That we touch people both near and far with our trips to Guatemala and providing a place for outside groups like AA a space for their much-needed meetings, and how we provide a safe and friendly atmosphere that draws new members to our congregation.

With all this happening during Lent I am filled with hope and promise that our church will survive and continue to grow in the months and years to come. I have the hope that we will all continue to contribute, as our means will allow, and as we each committed to our lord on commitment Sunday. That these gifts will allow us meet and possibly exceed our commitment to the Synod and our other ministries we participate in! I have the promise from the Lord that Christ’s death on the cross, that we have prepared for, will give each of us new and eternal life!
As we enter the season of Easter and celebrate the resurrection of Christ! Let us also pay notice to our environment in springtime, a time when God’s creation also brings new life to us with the blooming of the flowers and the new growth on the trees, the return of the birds after the long winter! I for one will count my blessings and remember the good things that God has provided for me, my health, my family, my friends, and all the blessing he has bestowed upon me. I hope you all will do the same and have faith that even in those trying times God is with every one of us and will help and guide us through those difficult times.

Let’s focus on the good things we have in life as those positive thoughts will bring about positive things in the future.

Hallelujah! He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!
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