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A beautiful new banner for Pride Sunday (June 18th) was blessed during the worship service. The banner was designed by Vickie Divelbiss and made by Irene and Heinz Albert. The design is based on our covenant relationship with God for all of God's people. When we are in a right relationship with God and one another, peace will ensue. Dove, with olive branch. Stars are for the Abrahamic covenant. Your descendants will outnumber the stars of the heavens. Rainbow for the promise to Noah. The Mosaic covenant is depicted by the ten command- ments. I will be your God and you will be my people. The crown with purple streamers, is similar to the crown that David might of worn. The Davidic covenant promises that the Messiah would come from the lineage of David and sit on the throne of God. The rose represents Isaiah's prophecy that a rose would bloom in the desert. The red rose symbolizes love. As we wander through the deserts of life God's promise of love and presence sustains us. The shell is the daily promise of our baptism that we are children of God and nothing can separate us. We all are heirs to the kingdom. These promises belong to everyone regardless of color, sexual orientation, gender, etc.