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Apostles Needs YOUR Help!

Apostles’ spending plan is very similar to a family budget. It depends on income coming in at a steady rate so that bills and ministries can be paid and maintained respectively. Over the summer months Apostles’ income tends to decline due to vacations and attendance being down. This past August, giving at Apostles was short 23% from what was voted for in the 2023 Spending Plan. We need your help in continuing your financial commitments to the church while you might be away. There are several ways that you can ensure that your donations are received while you are away.

- Visit

- From your mobile phone, text the word GIVE to 844-215-5453

Donating via our website also allows for your giving to be scheduled so it will still be sent while you are away. You can also set up a payment with your bank’s Bill pay option. Please consider utilizing these giving options so your contributions continue while you are away!